I write this not for any specific reason, but it has been on my mind a lot lately!
What are people so afraid of? Why is talking versus writing so intimidating? I have been watching this trend lately (and I am at fault for this too) of people avoiding conversation. But what are they really avoiding- confrontation! I hate it too, but sometimes, a good conversation can cure almost any problem. But TALKING- not emailing or writing and by all means, NOT texting, people can understand what a person is trying to say. Looking at eyes and body language and mannerism, inflections in the voice! That is all part of the art of communication! So many times things are horribly miss communicated because and email does not deliver sympathy or emotion. It can how so ever deliver a raw message which is just as horribly miss communicated, leaving a person to feel shocked and without recourse! Where is the other person opportunity to rebut, defuse, or protest if the deliveree is unwilling to allow that communication. In a simple (or not so simple) conversation-preferably in person- you can read a person for what they really mean, not what you assume. It is just as bad as listening to hearsay and assuming the worse! Guess what, problems don't get solved by assumptions. There, I said it, you have got to COMMUNICATE with your voice if you want people to understand your thoughts! So there it is, plain and simple. Stop writing out of fear that someone is going to hurt YOUR feelings and man up. Allow others to help you understand whatever it is that you need to work out. Buy not giving your friends, family, or colleagues a good ear-full, you might be missing what you need to hear most!