Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bad at Bloging?? Survey Says: YES

OK so I was really gung-ho about this blogging thing. Thinking that I could be that one random person that has cool enough, off the cuff comments and thoughts that Oprah might find me amusing and I could get famous....well I guess I would have to blog to actually get noticed! Again one more thing I have started then pissed my way out of! I promise my faithful 3 that I will write more often! Like about Oklahoma and how it really is a back-ass- wards state. Or my new endeavors at work and that I would like to shoot myself now...but hopefully in 10 weeks, life will be at peace again, cus my man is coming home! Woot Woot! And we can blog together, cus lets face it, HE is the witty one and I just look pretty (sometimes).

Love- Your Tour Guide to Living Big With a Knock Louie Wallet!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

we are judd......

There is a million reasons why people write. For education, for venting, for fun, to get famous. I guess I have a little of every reason for starting a blog. I have always wanted to write and let people hear my thoughts. Lord knows I say enough of them out loud. But mainly I am looking for something new. So boredom, I guess? But not because my husband is gone or because I need one more thing on my plate, but bored with my own existence. I need something new.  All those things that you were going to do by this certain age and in this certain capacity doesn't happen, then all of a sudden "now what?" I still have the same fucking needs to do more with this life as I did when I was "young and ambitious"... I think ambition left sometime during my 6 year of college, when I became an adult. And now here I am, with a great life that I did not see coming and......bored. So maybe a blog will do it?? And better yet, we'll let hubby be involved, hence "we are judd." He's there, I'm here. He'll write and I'll write and it'll be a virtual journal of shit no one cares about...but it will be Judd shit. Our values, thoughts, and points of view that makes us one person in many ways. And with that frame of mind, I look on to the unknown future and all it's mystery...maybe the written world will reveal something new for us because at this point, I just pray that I find myself doing something other then sitting on my ass in 3 years waiting for something great to happen...time to make it happen. So that's it- why I am writing a hopefully Oprah will see this and put me on her reading list!